Full complex wash, strong stick, explosive crash
Warm wash, explosive crash, good stick.
Warm complex wash, good stick, explosive crash
Warm complex wash, Good stick, explosive crash
Full wash, Nice stick and Crash
A Jazz ride that is a perfect crash ride size and sound, lower pitched but with enough tension to be explosive when crashed.
Warm and great "chick" and "stick", expressive and dynamic.
Everything you want from traditional Jazz style hats.
Superb stick over a warm pad and fast crash decay.
A very organic, expressive ride, ample wash, very complex and strong stick. This particular ride is lower in pitch than the other 20" listed. A bit more crash like by comparison, but definitely a ride.
20" of dark organic jazz ride. Very complex, nice wash pad underneith with strong stick. Very expressive and responsive. Awesome crash. A moody little bastard.
Nice pitched complex semi dry ride. very expressive and responsive. Great fo jazz. super organic, and full of overtones with a strong stick on top.
18" of hammered crash ride sweetness. Obviously it crashes and rides. A great side kick to any of the 703 series rides, or any Koide series for that matter. Explosive with a full spread and medium decay in the crash.
Thin Jazz Ride